Training never just happens - it is the result of a conscious effort on the part of the trainer and the trainee. Too often trainers say things like, "I can't understand why he can't perform; I told him; I even showed him how!" Showing is not training; telling is not training; testing is not training. These functions imply activity that is one-way and instructor-oriented.Job training is the processes of helping an employee acquire the necessary knowledge, skill, and work habits to perform a specific job.
Failure to help employees get started properly results in needless expense, high levels of employee frustration, and increased turnover rates.Planned training saves time and cost much less than letting people learn "the hard way". It reduces waste. It helps to insure safe work habits. It reduces employee frustration. It prevents the learning of incorrect work habits, which will have to be unlearned later. It helps to insure guest satisfaction.
Read article here.