Sunday, May 07, 2006

Is a raise the best thing you can give a high performance player?

I'm all over Jim Rohn’s insights. I mentioned in a recent post that I’d take talent over experience. So would Jim, I believe.

In a recent newsletter article Jim wrote, he makes it simple: “Good people are found, not changed.” A bit more from Jim:

Motivation is a mystery. Why are some people motivated and some are not? Why does one salesperson see his first prospect at seven in the morning while the other sees his first prospect at 11 in the morning? Why would one start at seven and the other start at 11? I don’t know. Call it “mysteries of the mind.”

...Don’t waste your time trying to turn ducks into eagles. Hire people who already have the motivation and drive to be eagles and then just let them soar.

I also like the add-on post at Simplenomics from Mike Sigers (always good stuff over there) about giving employees more rope (leeway/responsibility/opportunity) vs. ridiculous incremental bonuses.

As a manager, you’ve got to think about this. Watch the signals you send to people for their excellent performance. Significant raise or significant improvements in leeway?
